Just as water bodies transcend borders, research topics are dealt with on an international and interdisciplinary basis.
The TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (German Water Centre) is therefore a member of international associations for water research such as the
Global Water Research Coalition GWRC.
The GWRC is committed to establishing a strong alliance among the world's leading water research institutions. In this way, knowledge is strategically generated, exchanged and published. Thereby developments and global trends can be rapidly identified. Within the global network an efficient evaluation is possible as well as further research activities can be target-oriented implemented.
For the GWRC, the year 2020 was also marked by the global Covid 19 pandemic. In this regard, the organisation published a joint factsheet at an early stage, which summarised the global knowledge on this topic from a water research perspective.
Link to GWRC-Factsheet "Covid 19"
The current annual report provides an excellent overview of the GWRC's activities.