Water analysis Conducting and evaluating physical-chemical and microbiological water testing in accordance with German Drinking Water Ordinance and other regulations.
Testing of products and devices Initial testing of products and materials in contact with drinking water. The test centre is accredited for more than 200 product standards.
Treatment technologies Develop sustainable water supply concepts. Implement, monitor and optimise new technologies. Test and further develop existing treatment methods.
Micropollutants and microorganisms Development and improvement of determination procedures. Investigating occurrence, behaviour and fate of inorganic and organic trace substances.
Network management and drinking water installation Advice on safeguarding the quality of drinking water in the distribution system, support in the development of specific network management strategies.
Risk management Supporting water supply companies in setting up continuous risk management for water supply facilities, based on our comprehensive expertise.
Drinking water catchments and resources Protection of drinking water resources by assessing potential hazards in water catchment areas, catalogues of measures, monitoring concepts, databases.
Environmental biotechnology and contaminated sites Environmental biotechnology to improve water quality. Degradation processes for water purification. Concepts and studies for pollutant contamination.
Digitalisation Solving complex questions and problems of water supply companies in digitalisation through technical support or practical research projects.
Practical projects Research and practice, water supply, scientific and technical expertise, technology concepts, resource protection, distribution network, digitalisation.
Resource protection Sustainable resource protection as an important factor for safe drinking water supply. Management of hazards and risks in water catchment areas.
Environmental biotechnology Technical and biological methods for the elimination of microorganisms, microbiological degradation processes, risk assessment of microbial contamination.
Microorganisms Application and development of reliable detection methods for microorganisms in drinking water, evaluation of disinfection and treatment measures.
Micropollutants Reliable and sensitive determination of trace substances and microplastics, investigation of the behaviour in the water cycle, qualified risk assessment.
Waste water and water cycle Development of integrated water supply and waste water disposal concepts, Utilisation of biodegradation processes to eliminate persistent substances.
New technologies and products Technologies and products for the treatment, disinfection and post-treatment of drinking water, testing for performance, safety and robustness.
Asset management and infrastructure Development of asset management strategies to ensure a stable supply of high-quality drinking water, assessment of the condition of pipeline networks.
Safety and security, digitalisation and management Digitalisation in the areas of data collection, data management, data-driven applications and IT security. Artificial intelligence and blockchain.
- Projects
- About TZW
- Information
Chemical and microbiological analysis
With utmost precision and reliability, we perform physical-chemical and microbiological analyses for our customers in accordance with legal regulations such as the German Drinking Water Ordinance or the Water Framework Directive. We are accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025 for the analysis of drinking water, source water, groundwater and surface water. In addition, we offer the quantitative determination of inorganic and organic micropollutants using modern and high-performance analytical methods of and instruments in the most diverse matrices (drinking water, groundwater, surface water, waste water, sewage sludge, soil, suspended matter, and sediments). A key element is the continuous development and improvement of methods for trace analysis of both water and solid samples.
Microbiological detection methods range from the specific detection of indicator organisms or pathogens to the enrichment of large volumes of water to improve the sensitivity of the detection methods to the analysis of microbial substances such as AOC (assimilable organic carbon). Additionally, we use the latest molecular biological methods to quickly identify the species or microorganisms and to determine antibiotic resistance genes.
What do we offer?
Among others, we have analytical methods for the determination of representatives of the following substance groups:
- Trace elements and metals
- Bromide, bromate, chlorite, chlorate, iodide, iodate and perchlorate
- Species of arsenic, chromium and selenium
- Pesticides and metabolites (more than 100 single substances including glyphosate, AMPA, N,N-dimethyl sulphamide, desphenyl chloridazon, and other pesticides metabolites)
- Halogenated acetic acids
- Microcystins
- Aromatic sulfonates
- Chelating agents
- Pharmaceutical residues (more than 100 single substances)
- Iodinated X-ray contrast agent/s
- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (steroidal hormones, alkyl phenols)
- Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS, more than 50 single substances including TFA, GenX, and ADONA))
- Aliphatic amines
- Nitrosamines
- Biocides
- Benzotriazoles
- Artificial sweeteners
- Chlorinated and brominated flame retardants
- Organophosphonic acids
- Nitrification inhibitors
- Surrogate parameters (DOC, TOC, AOX, AOS, AOF, EOF, TOP-assay)
We offer the following range of microbiological detection methods:
- Detection of indicator bacteria according to the German Drinking Water Ordinance: E. coli / coliform bacteria, Enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, colony counts 22 °C, 36 °C
- Detection of pathogens: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Legionella, aeromonads, thermotolerant Campylobacter spp., testing for Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia, testing for antibiotic-resistant bacteria, detection of multiresistances using agar diffusion tests
- Detection of bacteriophages: F-specific RNA bacteriophages, somatic coliphages
- Enrichment methods: To rapidly enrich large volumes of water, TZW has developed practical enrichment methods that enable us to concentrate water volumes of 100 litres and more. Using this methodology, the detection sensitivity for subsequent microbiological analysis (e.g. for the indicator organisms E. coli, coliform bacteria and enterococci) can be increased by a factor of 1000. This enables distribution networks to be investigated systematically for possible contamination sources of microbiological pollutants.
- Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) / regrowth potential: Regrowth potential, determination of AOC increase by means of chlorination, determination of AOC following various treatment stages
- Special methods to evaluate the microbiological water quality: Determination of the total cell count (microscopic, flow cytometry), microscopic analysis of floating layers, sediments, coatings, plant cover and biofilms, problem-oriented investigations into specific bacteria groups (e.g. iron and manganese oxidisers, Crenothrix polyspora), biomass determination (e.g. ATP, protein), microbial count (colony counts and Most-Probable-Number (MPN) method): Colony counts for various media, nitrate/iron(III)/sulphate-reducing bacteria, pollutant-degrading bacteria
- Animal organisms (invertebrates): Advice on the presence of animal organisms in water supply systems, identification and quantification of animal organisms
Methods and equipment
1 Hg analyser
15 GC-MS
1 HPLC-Orbitrap-MS
2 Raman microspectrometers
Safety workbenches
Flow cytometer with sorter
Fluorescence microscope
Ultra-filtration module for enrichment of large sample volumes
ATP measuring device
Ultra-low freezer
Chemical analysis
Halogenated disinfection by-products (haDes)
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