As a result of changed framework conditions, new regulatory requirements and social mega trends, there is a constant stream of new technologies and products on the market to treat, disinfect and post-process drinking water at the point of entry. These will be investigated as part of research work related to the efficiency, security and robustness for practical application. Technologies, products and materials already established or introduced in other industries play a major role. A high technology readiness level (TRL) is also extremely important. Past examples are membrane technology or in future, UV-LED technology and hybrid processes. Functionalised materials will also gain significance in future.
Drinking water treatment
Future developments in drinking water treatment concern the use of energy-efficient technologies that conserve resources. Existing processes are not only optimised in terms of their performance but also with regard to their energy, material and personnel efficiency. Membrane and hybrid processes are becoming increasingly competitive compared with conventional methods. The recycling of water company residues will gain importance. Structural and supply concepts must be adjusted to changing framework conditions (climate change, demographic development, industrialisation).
New systems and materials
Entirely new products that take account of the social mega trend of individualisation are expected in drinking water post-processing. Devices and systems to safeguard drinking water in the event of contaminations such as Legionella will also become more important. Research projects also investigate materials for their long-term behaviour, functionality and suitability.
UV and UV LED technology
Rapid development can be observed in the field of UV technology. This lies in the fact that UV emitters are being continuously optimised for energy reasons, and perspectively replaced by mercury-free radiation sources. A technological change will happen with UV LEDs, which requires entirely new reactor and monitoring concepts. At TZW, we are conducting various national and international research projects on this topic.
As part of the literature study funded by the DVGW, information on alternatives to flocculation and flocculants was collected and a survey was carried…
Read moreHollow fiber membranes successfully removed sulphate from a very hard groundwater during the operation of a pilot plant without the need of…
Read moreEfficient online monitoring is becoming increasingly important in drinking water treatment. New applications include automatic process control and…
Read moreIn the KreATiw project, experiences from South Africa are used to successfully adapt existing risk management approaches for drinking water supply and…
Read moreThe technology of managed aquifer recharge (MAR), which has been proven in Germany, will be introduced in Peru as a nature-based solution. Its…
Read moreThe Project aimed on a general understanding of the effects of increased water temperatures on resilience and vulnerability of microbial communities…
Read moreTurkovic, R.; Feinauer, F. (2018): Standardisierung eines Testverfahrens zur bauseitigen Qualitätsbeurteilung der Beschichtungsausführung von Epoxidharz-beschichteten Trinkwasser-Stahlbehältern [Standardisation of a test method for the customer to assess the quality of the coating design of epoxy resin coated steel drinking water tanks] , ewp Jg. 69, H. 2, p. 22-29
Turkovic, R.; Koch, A.; Kalisch, A., Klinger, J. (2015): Bewertung von Kunststoffen im Kontakt mit Trinkwasser [Assessment of plastics in contact with drinking water], ewp Jg. 66, H. 11, p. 62-67
Werner, W.; Klinger, J. (2009): Untersuchungen zur Nickelabgabe von flexiblen Anschlussschläuchen mit vernickelten Verbindern für Sanitärarmaturen [Studies into the nickel release of flexible hose connectors with nickel-plated connectors for sanitary fittings], ewp Jg. 60, H. 3, p. 67-71