Water analysis Conducting and evaluating physical-chemical and microbiological water testing in accordance with German Drinking Water Ordinance and other regulations.
Testing of products and devices Initial testing of products and materials in contact with drinking water. The test centre is accredited for more than 200 product standards.
Treatment technologies Develop sustainable water supply concepts. Implement, monitor and optimise new technologies. Test and further develop existing treatment methods.
Micropollutants and microorganisms Development and improvement of determination procedures. Investigating occurrence, behaviour and fate of inorganic and organic trace substances.
Network management and drinking water installation Advice on safeguarding the quality of drinking water in the distribution system, support in the development of specific network management strategies.
Risk management Supporting water supply companies in setting up continuous risk management for water supply facilities, based on our comprehensive expertise.
Drinking water catchments and resources Protection of drinking water resources by assessing potential hazards in water catchment areas, catalogues of measures, monitoring concepts, databases.
Environmental biotechnology and contaminated sites Environmental biotechnology to improve water quality. Degradation processes for water purification. Concepts and studies for pollutant contamination.
Digitalisation Solving complex questions and problems of water supply companies in digitalisation through technical support or practical research projects.
Practical projects Research and practice, water supply, scientific and technical expertise, technology concepts, resource protection, distribution network, digitalisation.
Resource protection Sustainable resource protection as an important factor for safe drinking water supply. Management of hazards and risks in water catchment areas.
Environmental biotechnology Technical and biological methods for the elimination of microorganisms, microbiological degradation processes, risk assessment of microbial contamination.
Microorganisms Application and development of reliable detection methods for microorganisms in drinking water, evaluation of disinfection and treatment measures.
Micropollutants Reliable and sensitive determination of trace substances and microplastics, investigation of the behaviour in the water cycle, qualified risk assessment.
Waste water and water cycle Development of integrated water supply and waste water disposal concepts, Utilisation of biodegradation processes to eliminate persistent substances.
New technologies and products Technologies and products for the treatment, disinfection and post-treatment of drinking water, testing for performance, safety and robustness.
Asset management and infrastructure Development of asset management strategies to ensure a stable supply of high-quality drinking water, assessment of the condition of pipeline networks.
Safety and security, digitalisation and management Digitalisation in the areas of data collection, data management, data-driven applications and IT security. Artificial intelligence and blockchain.
- Projects
- About TZW
- Information
Resource protection
The sustainable protection of water resources is the first pillar in the multi-barrier system for a safe drinking water supply. We therefore focus our research projects on managing hazards and risks in water catchment areas. This concerns groundwater and spring waters as well as rivers, bank filtrates, lakes and reservoirs. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), various state ministries, the EU, the DVGW and water utility companies support the national and international practical research projects. In general, water supply companies or local authority districts are involved in the projects as practice partners as well as pilot or model areas.
Research areas
Security and safety in drinking water supply
We develop new risk management concepts in water supply according to DIN EN 15975-2 and consider how the WSP (Water safety Plan) concept of the World Health Organisation (WHO) can be implemented for Germany’s water supply in practice and in line with regulations. From the catchment area to the distribution point, all process steps are analysed to assess the criticality of water supply systems.
Management of raw water resources
We develop innovative solution and planning tools for the risk management of water protection areas and using models, we investigate the impact of climate change on the water supply. New approaches to clarify the hydrochemical process should help to better understand the contamination sources of geogenic or anthropogenic pollutants and micropollutants such as chromate and pesticide metabolites as well as microorganisms. This knowledge can be incorporated in the management of raw water resources.
Agriculture and groundwater protection
High nitrate concentrations in the groundwater or watercourse pollution by pesticides are a result of intensive agriculture. We explore the boundary conditions that lead to pollution and how contamination can be reduced. This generates new strategies to control emissions and success in groundwater protection and concepts for soil monitoring. By means of field trials, lab trials and model calculations we simulate the transfer, for example of nitrate and micropollutants into the groundwater. We investigate how cleaning up polluted groundwater can be achieved by using certain agricultural practices.
Bioenergy and water resource protection
Biomass generation is often viewed critically from a water protection perspective. We investigate the sustainability of biomass cultivation and the potential to sustainably produce biogas as well as the use of waste materials for biogas generation. Our research into watercourse protection focuses particularly on the output of fermentation residues.
Assessment of nitrate contamination in groundwater (ArNO)
The revision of nitrate comtaminated areas (so-called "Rote Gebiete") is currently the subject of debate. In some areas, farmers and water suppliers…
Read moreImpact of climate change on groundwater availability in Germany (GW_Impact)
To investigate the increasing spatio-temporal variability of groundwater recharge in the future, both locally and regionally, and its specific effects…
Read moreConsequences of heavy rainfall and dry periods (RiQO)
In order to counteract future negative impacts of extreme weather events on the water quality of stream waters, practical prevention and management…
Read moreClimate neutrality in drinking water supply (Carb(H2O)N)
In these days, climate neutrality is becoming a major topic and is also gaining importance in the drinking water supply sector. In the project,…
Read moreEffects of climate change on water quality (KLIWAQ)
The effects of climate change on the quality of raw water resources were investigated. In addition to the vulnerabilities of the various water…
Read moreMulti-sectoral waterdemand and regions of water shortage in Germany (WatDEMAND)
Climate change has arrived in Germany and poses new challenges for water suppliers. WatDEMAND analysed which impacts climate change will have on water…
Read morePublications
Lange, F. T.; Sturm, S. et al. (2018): Minimierungsstrategie für den PSM-Metaboliten-Eintrag ins Grundwasser. Veröffentlichungen aus dem DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser Karlsruhe [Strategy to minimise PSM metabolites entering groundwater. Publications from the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water] (TZW) 2018 (84).
Gottwalt, J.; Abecker, A.; Brauer, F.; Fischer, T.; Riepl, D.; Rojas, V.; Sturm, S. (2018): Designing a Web-Based Application for Process-Oriented Risk Management of Drinking-Water Catchments According to the Water Safety Plan Approach. In: H.-J. Bungartz, D. Kranzlmüller, V. Weinberg, J. Weismüller, V. Wohlgemuth (ed.): Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics - Managing Disruption, Big Data and Open Science. Progress in IS. Springer
Sturm, S.; Villinger, F.; Kiefer, J. (2016): Neuer Ansatz zum Risikomanagement für Talsperren-Einzugsgebiete - Teil 1 [New approach for the risk management of reservoir catchments - Part 1]. In: energie|wasser-praxis, DVGW, No. 5, Part 2. In: energie|wasser-praxis, DVGW, No. 6/7
Sturm S., Fischer T., Kiefer J, Remmler F., Borgmann A. (2016): Entwicklung eines Datenbankbasierten Systems zur Gefährdungsanalyse in Wassereinzugsgebieten (DBBS) [Development of a database-supported system for the risk analysis in water catchment areas]. p. 13-24. In: TZW (DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser, Karlsruhe; ed., 2016): Präventives Risikomanagement in der Trinkwasserversorgung.
Abschlussbericht zum BMBF-Forschungsvorhaben PRiMaT [Preventative risk management for drinking water supply. Final report on the BMBF research project PRiMAT] (Fkz. 02WRS1279A to 02WRS1279, Publications from the Technology Centre Water, 74, ISSN: 1434-5765
Schmoll, O.; Bethmann, D.; Sturm, S.; Schnabel, B. (2014): Das Water-Safety-Plan-Konzept für kleine Wasserversorgungen in Deutschland: Ein Handbuch zur praktischen Umsetzung [The Water Safety Plan concept for small water supply companies in Germany: A manual for its practical implementation]. ed. by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (TZW). Dessau-Roßlau. http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/das-water-safety-plan-konzept-fuer-kleine-wasserversorgungen.
Erler R.; Ball T.; Kiefer J.; Dresen B.; Köppel W. (2013): Nachhaltige Biogasbereitstellung in Deutschland [Sustainable biogas provision in Germany]. DVGW energie|wasser-praxis 04/2013, 84-87
Kiefer J., Ball T., Rhode K., Selz M., Schrempp S., Müller-Sämann K. (2013): Entwicklung einer neuen Strategie zur Emissions- und Erfolgskontrolle im Grundwasserschutz [Development of a new strategy to monitor emissions and success in groundwater protection]. 44. AWBR annual report 2012; AWBR