Exciting insights into a research project focussing the interface between water analytics and data science are presented in this video. The "K2I Tracker" is a cloud solution which enables drinking water suppliers to evaluate results of non-target analytics to trace micropollutants in water more quickly and more deeply. A specialised laboratory of public water supply, a leading supercomputing centre and a waterworks are the hot spots of this video.
The basis for the tracking of micropollutants in water is data from non-target screening (NTS), which is used in highly specialised laboratories. This makes it possible to search for known and even unknown micropollutants in water. A special analytical procedure consisting of chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry is used. A decisive advantage arises when digitisation succeeds in identifying the multitude of unknown signals from NTS analysis. For this, the networking of existing and newly collected analytical data and meta-information from different laboratories, i.e. collective intelligence from the water supply and artificial intelligence in processing the data, provides considerable added value. This is exactly where the two-year project "K2I trace substance tracker" comes in, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with the funding reference 02WDG1593A-D. The film team visited the laboratory of Landeswasserversorgung (public water supply), the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Munich-Garching and the waterworks of Hessenwasser. In the video, the experts vividly explain what the K2I tracker is all about and how it can take micropollutants analysis to the next level.
Link to the video on youtube (English subtitles are available)
More information on the website www.k2i-tracker.de