Global Water Research Coalition presents new strategic plan

Meeting of the Board of Directors in Copenhagen 2022 with TZW-CEO Dr Josef Klinger (centre)

The Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027 describes the strategic direction of the Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) for the next five years. It builds on the integration of the feedback received and discussions by the Board and the previous Strategic Plans.

Three focus areas will be explored in the coming years. These are greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and treatment (including new pollutants) and resilient infrastructure. To work on these focus areas, the GWRC has established working groups comprised of representatives from members and partner organisations.

Water research is carried out by a large number of organisations and institutes worldwide. In order to keep its finger on the pulse, TZW is a member of international associations for water research such as the Global Water Research Coalition GWRC.

The GWRC has set itself the task of establishing a strong alliance among the world's leading water research institutions. Organisations from Canada, the Netherlands, Singapore, France, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, the USA and South Africa are represented in the GWRC. In this way, knowledge is strategically generated, exchanged and published. This means that developments and global trends in water research can be quickly identified and efficiently evaluated in the global network and processed in a targeted manner.

The current "GWRC Overview of Activities" provides an excellent overview of the GWRC's activities.

Link to the pdf-file
