In water research, the topics of water quality and infrastructure are high on the international agenda. GWRC Managing Director Stéphanie Rinck-Pfeiffer recently discussed current priority topics of the Global Water Research Coalition GWRC in depth with the staff of TZW: DVGW-Technologiezentrum Wasser (German Water Centre).
The Global Water Research Coalition is a non-profit international alliance for water research founded in 2002. The major challenges facing water management worldwide, such as climate change, energy efficiency, sustainability and the protection of drinking water quality and thus public health, are global in nature and cross both national and continental borders. This is why TZW is a founding member of the GWRC.
The cooperation is implemented in concrete terms in working groups with representatives of the members. The topics that the working groups deal with are determined within the framework of the strategy process in the Board of Directors, of which TZW CEO Dr Josef Klinger is a member. The most urgent topics in international water research are identified. These are currently the areas of greenhouse gas emissions, water quality and treatment, and resilient infrastructure. TZW is represented by Dr Oliver Happel in the Water Quality WG and by Sebastian Egner in the Resilient Infrastructure WG.
More information on the > GWRC-Website.