Increase the resilience of drinking water infrastructures (ResiWater)

Sub-project: Innovative sensors and practical investigations

Acquisition of an event in the distribution network using unusual sensor values

The objective is mainly to derive innovative sensor concepts to monitor drinking water distribution systems and thereby enable the rapid and clear detection of safety-relevant changes in drinking water quality.

The project ResiWater aims to enable supply companies to safeguard drinking water supply even in extraordinary situations and by selecting suitable measures, to make it easier to get the system back to operating normally after a crisis situation.

Five work steps are defined to achieve this objective:

  1. Specification of critical scenarios
  2. Investigation of innovative water quality and flow sensors and secure sensor networks
  3. Development of a self-learning module to detect events
  4. Development of robust simulation methods to model extreme events and implementation in a training simulator
  5. Development of a decision-making tool to analyse the resilience of water distribution networks and to support the design of new networks

TZW is working on the sub-project “Innovative sensors and practical investigations” with the objective of deriving innovative sensor concepts to monitor drinking water distribution systems and thereby to enable the rapid and clear detection of safety-relevant changes in drinking water quality.



Piller O., Sedehizade F., Bernard T., Braun M., Cheifetz N., Deuerlein J., Wagner M., Lapébie E., Trick I., Weber J.M., and Werey C. (2017).  “Augmented Resilience of Water Distribution Systems following Severe Abnormal Events.” CCWI 2017 – Computing and Control for the Water Industry, Sheffield, UK, 5th - 7th September 2017, 8 pages.

Wagner M. (2016), “Project RESIWATER - Innovative Secure Sensor Networks and Model-based Assessment Tools for increased Resilience of Water Infrastructures.” ProcessNet - annual conference and 32nd DECHEMA annual conference of biotechnologists 2016”, from 12 – 15 September in Aachen

