The technology of managed aquifer recharge (MAR), which has been proven in Germany, will be introduced in Peru as a nature-based solution. Its potential for the cost-effective supply of high-quality industrial and drinking water in densely populated water-deficit regions will be demonstrated.
Two so far unused resources, the winter runoff surpluses and treated municipal wastewater, are intended for infiltration. An essential aspect is the adequate treatment of the municipal wastewater. As in many developing and newly industrializing countries, wastewater in Peru has so far been discharged mainly without treatment or without adequate treatment, and in the arid coastal regions it has also been used for irrigation/food production. This results in high environmental pollution and health hazards. Reasons for this include the comparatively high energy costs of conventional technologies and a lack of qualified operating personnel. The trickling filter process planned in the project, on the other hand, is much more energy-efficient and operationally stable. It is to be introduced in Peru as an optimized plant technology adapted to local conditions.
Of particular importance is that both trickling filter and MAR technology are suitable for small, decentralized plants. The project thus serves as a reference for the whole of Peru (and neighboring countries) for innovative wastewater treatment and service/drinking water production. In addition to the implementation of pilot plants, an intensive knowledge transfer is planned within the framework of the planned project, including training courses on the topics of drinking water and wastewater treatment. In addition to the involvement of national water authorities, companies and universities, the project partner SEDAPAL (Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima), as one of the largest water supply and wastewater disposal companies in South America, offers an effective multiplier both in terms of competence development and further services and product offerings.
León, C. D.; Brauer, F.; Hügler, M.; Keller, S.; Kosow, H.; Krauss, M.; Wasielewski, S.; Wienhöfer, J. (Eds.): Integrated Water Management Solutions in the Lurín Catchment, Lima, Peru – Supporting United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6. Final report of the joint project TRUST. University of Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-00-068498-2 (2021)
Minn, F.; Hügler, M.; Kosow, H.; Kramer, H.; Krauß, M.; León, C. D.; Stauder, S.; Wasielewski, S.: Leitfaden für Konzeption, Aufbau und Betrieb von Schulungs- und Pilotanlagen zur Aufbereitung von Trinkwasser und Reinigung von Abwasser aus einer sozio-technischen Perspektive. Hrsg.: Universität Stuttgart und TZW Karlsruhe, (2021)