The raw water database is used to collect data from water supply companies on the occurrence of plant protection products and their metabolites. On the basis of these data, which are treated confidentially and used anonymously, the raw water database provides an overview of the qualitative status of the water resources under consideration with regard to these parameter groups. In case of anomalies, coordinated measures and recommendations for action can be initiated on a local level to counteract contamination of the raw water used by the water supplier.
The decision-making committee for the operation of the raw water database (RWDB PSM) and the evaluation of the data is the advisory board consisting of representatives of the water industry (BDEW, DVGW, water supply companies) and the manufacturers of plant protection products (IVA). After evaluation of the findings in the raw water database and with the consent of the water suppliers concerned, it selects drinking water catchment areas that are contaminated with a currently approved plant protection product active substance or a metabolite of an approved active substance. In these areas, measures to reduce this contamination are initiated and implemented.
The measures are developed and implemented jointly by the affected water suppliers, manufacturers of plant protection products and the agricultural sector according to a concept approved by the advisory board of the raw water database. The measures proposed in the concept include intensified monitoring, intensification of agricultural advice in the catchment area, area-specific minimization concepts and restriction of product applications. These will be applied depending on the catchment-specific conditions in the polluted catchment areas.
Through the cooperation of manufacturers of plant protection products and water suppliers, it has been possible to provide a flexible instrument for the protection of drinking water resources that can be used to reduce the hazards of plant protection products and their metabolites. On this basis, it has already been possible to successfully reduce the contamination of raw water with the above-mentioned substances in individual areas.