Identification of critical infrastructures in water supply (KritisGIS-T)

Drinking water dam

Water supply is a critical infrastructure (KRITIS) from a civil protection perspective. In the project, a criticality analysis procedure has been developed for the piped drinking water supply. As a result, a decision support system has been created, which will be published soon after project completion and can be used in the future by the responsible authorities as well as the water suppliers to identify critical facilities of the drinking water supply on different administrative levels.

From the perspective of civil protection in Germany, the piped water supply represents a Critical Infrastructure (KRITIS), since its failure or impairment could lead to a shortage in supply with lasting effects, significant disruptions to public safety or other crisis situations. In this project, the method of criticality analysis according to the BBK's Critical Infrastructure Register (KritisKat) was adapted to the piped drinking water supply. For this purpose, relevant facilities or processes of the drinking water supply as well as the associated data and attributes were identified. In addition to the average capacity of the facilities, the methodology takes into account the existing redundancies, the temporal buffering by storage capacities as well as sensitive consumers. Optionally, spatial criticality can also be included in the assessment. A threshold-based calculation rule supports assigning a criticality value to the individual plants.

In order to ensure the practicability of the project results, authorities and water suppliers were involved in the development of the systematics through a project support group and the organization of a workshop. For the development and plausibility check of the methodology, three model areas served as examples for water supply areas of different sizes, which represent different situations in the drinking water supply.

Publications (in German):

Riegel, M.: Kritikalitätsanalyse für Objekte der Trinkwasserversorgung. In: Zukunftsthemen der Wasserversorgung. Veröffentlichungen aus dem Technologiezentrum Wasser 90, ISSN 1434-5765, 117-133 (2019)

Bethmann, D.; Brauer, F.; Riegel, M.; Sturm, S.; Wienand, I.; Stolzenburg, K.: Kritikalitätsanalyse von Anlagen der leitungsgebundenen Trinkwasserversorgung. DVGW energie|wasser-praxis 03/2019, 42-47 (2019)
